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Doris Winkler

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  • NEW! Emmi®-Ultrasonic XXL Room Disinfector

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  • emmi®-dent Platinum - High End Premium Technology!

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Welcome to the website of Doris Winkler


Als Body Coach ist mir das Thema Zahn- und Mundhygiene besonders wichtig.

Mein Motto: "Gesund beginnt im Mund!"

Haben Sie Angst vor dem Besuch beim Zahnarzt?
Wollen Sie Ihre gesunde Mundflora erhalten?
Wollen Sie natürlich, strahlend weiße Zähne?

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Ich bin gerne für Sie da!

Testen Sie beim Probeputzen, wie sich Ihre Zähne nach der Reinigung mit der emmi®-dent ,,Zahnbürste" anfühlen.
Sie werden begeistert sein!


Dann nehmen Sie den Hörer in die Hand und rufen mich an oder gehen Sie in Ihr E-Mail-Programm und schreiben mir eine Nachricht.
Ich freue mich, von Ihnen zu hören oder zu lesen.

Ihre selbständige Emmi-Vertiebspartnerin
Doris Winkler

  • Doris Winkler
  • Beuerberger Str. 1
    82547 Eurasburg
  • Tel. mobil 0152-04150618


Phenomenon Ultrasound

Dental cleaning with 100% Original Ultrasound from Emmi-dent

Electric and sonic toothbrushes are becoming ever more popular and promise a professional standard of dental cleaning and hygiene. However, Emmi-dent, with its unique and patented dental care system, is now setting a new trend for a completely new kind of dental cleaning and oral hygiene. The name of this trend is: 'Superior dental hygiene with 100% Original Ultrasound.' It is gentle, motionless and does not involve brushing or any abrasive action! This revolutionary method of dental cleaning with 100% Original Ultrasound is based on a globally unique patent – the Ultrasonic Piezo-Chip created by Emmi-dent. This Piezo-Chip sits in the head of the ultrasonic toothbrush and generates up to 96 million ultrasonic waves (air vibrations) per minute. These ultrasound waves are then transferred, via the bristles of the toothbrush head, onto Emmi-dent's specially formulated toothpaste. At this point 'micro bubbles' are generated, which react with the air vibrations and implode. These implosions effectively eliminate and remove food particles, plaque and bacteria from within the oral cavity. In this way, Emmi-dent offers a unique opportunity to effectively clean your teeth to a professional standard on a daily basis, within the comfort of your own home. Clean your teeth professionally, care gently for your gums and prevent the accumulation of plaque, tooth decay, inflammations and other dental problems. It's so easy with Emmi-dent! Dental cleaning and oral hygiene now has a new name: Emmi-dent!